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http://www.100md.com 2010年1月1日 《健康必读·下半月》 20101


    Beipiao fluorosis area analysis of a sample survey of endemic fluorosis

    WANG Tie-jun WANG Da-qi
, http://www.100md.com
    【Abstract】Purpose Knowledge of the regional prevalence of endemic fluorosis status. Methods A random sampling method to investigate children's dental fluorosis, urinary fluoride levels of children's and adult fluoride concentration in urine, adult skeletal fluorosis, the residents of drinking water fluoride investigation. The results of random Beipiao Zhang Ji Yingxiang small pairs of Damiao Village for the investigation of endemic fluorosis light point, the incidence of dental fluorosis was 21.1%, children's urine fluoride levels 0.35-2.56 mg / L between the adult urinary fluoride levels in 0.42 - 2.58mg / L between the adult skeletal fluorosis positive detection rate of 11.5%, population survey of drinking water fluoride average of the results 1.25mg / L. Conclusions Long-term living in high fluoride areas in high fluoride drinking water is the main reason for Benbingfasheng, first of all want to change the water, drinking water fluoride levels dropped to normal 1.0 mg / L below the prevention and treatment of endemic fluorosis and publicize the work of national awareness-raising, in order to reduce the incidence of endemic fluorosis.
, 百拇医药
    【Keywords】 Endemic fluorosis;Dental fluorosis;Urinary fluoride; Skeletal fluorosis


    1 调查与方法

    1.1 选点方法根据辽宁省疾病预防控制中心的工作要求,选定章吉营乡小双庙村为调查点。

    1.2 调查内容与指标

    1.2.1 儿童氟斑牙患病率调查:选本村8-12岁儿童全部调查,氟斑牙按Deam法诊断,计算氟斑牙患病率。[1]

    1.2.2 儿童尿氟测定:随机抽取30例儿童进行尿氟测定,用氟离子选择电极法进行尿氟测定。[2]
, 百拇医药
    1.2.3 成人尿氟测定:随机抽取20例成人,(男女各半),进行尿氟测定,用氟离子选择电极法进行尿氟测定。[3]

    1.2.4 饮用水氟含量测定:按东南西北中五个方位采集5处水样进行水氟测定,计算水氟平均值。

    1.2.5 对全村16周岁以上的成人进行氟骨症调查,表现是腰腿关节疼痛 关节僵直 骨骼变形等,计算氟骨症阳性检出率。[4]

    1.2.6 防氟井水氟含量测定:采集本村防氟井水进行氟含量测定。

    2 结果

    2.1 儿童氟斑牙发病情况:全村共有8-12岁儿童38人,患氟斑牙8例,发病率21.1%。

    2.2 儿童尿氟测定结果:尿氟测定结果在0.35-2.56之间。
, 百拇医药
    2.3 成人尿氟测定结果:成人尿氟水平在0.42-2.58mg∕L之间。

    2.4 饮用水氟含量测定结果:居民饮用水氟进行调查,测定结果平均值为1.25mg∕L。

    2.5 全村共有16周岁以上成人358人,其中有氟骨症症状的41人,氟骨症阳性检出率为11.5%。

    2.6 防氟井水氟含量测定结果:水氟含量为0.68mg∕L。

    3 讨论

, 百拇医药

    [1] 何凤生.中华职业医学[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,1997,387

    [2] Bergman jloxley R clin chem Acta 1970.27:374

    [3] WS/T89-1996.尿中氟化物的测定一离子选择电极.地方病标准和法规,2003.42-43

    [4] 刘昌汉.地方性氟中毒防治指南[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,1998,150-160

    [5] 卫生部疾病预防控制局编著.地方病学[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2008,118-119, 百拇医药(王铁军 王大奇)