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http://www.100md.com 2010年7月1日 《健康必读·下半月》 20107
     【中图分类号】R259.74 【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-3783(2010)07-0072-02

    【摘要】目的 通过对肠伤寒的误诊分析,从而引起临床医生的重视,尤其提高基层医院对肠伤寒的诊断率,降低误诊率,建立合理的诊疗。方法 对肠伤寒误诊的29例患者进行回顾性分析。结果 误诊为重感冒者8例,急性胃肠炎者7例,肺结核并感染者4例,急性菌痢者3例,疟疾2例,钩体病、散发性脑炎、肠结核、出血性肠炎和败血症病者各1例。全部患者在确诊为伤寒后予有效抗生素和中药辩证治疗,2周左右全部治愈。结论 临床医生应重视肠伤寒的诊断与鉴别诊断,加强对肠伤寒基本知识的掌握,减少误诊率。

    【关键词】 肠伤寒;误诊;county

    Lesson 29 cases of intestinal typhoid misdiagnosis

    LU Fubo,【Abstract】: objective Through the analysis of intestinal typhoid misdiagnosis, causing the clinician's attention, especially in improving basic-level hospital diagnosis of intestinal typhoid, decrease the misdiagnosis rate, establish a rational treatment. Methods The diagnosis of intestinal typhoid 29 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Result The heavy cold misdiagnosis in 8 cases, acute gastroenteritis in 7 cases, tuberculosis and 4 cases of acute infections, 3 cases of bacterium dysentery, 2 cases of malaria, hook, sporadic encephalitis, tuberculosis, hemorrhagic enteritis and sepsis sick respectively. Conclusion Clinical doctors should attach importance to the intestine typhoid diagnosis and differential diagnosis of intestinal typhoid, strengthen the basic knowledge of the master, decrease the misdiagnosis rate. ......

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