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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月1日 健康必读·下旬刊 2011年第11期
     【中图分类号】R47 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)11-0026-01



    Nursing care for older mothers

    Lin Hui-Bi

    【Abstract】Objective: To understand the psychological characteristics of older mothers, to ensure smooth delivery. Methods: 70 cases in our hospital elderly primipara, aged 35-40 years, mean 36 years of age, education level: Bachelor and above in 57 cases, high school and the following 13 cases of psychological questionnaires. Results: 70 cases of advanced maternal age have appeared worried, scared, fear, hesitation and other psychological symptoms. And older anxiety, fear, depression and extent of the proportion of the higher. Based on these mental activities give appropriate care. Conclusion: The high risk of maternal age has its own peculiarities, so that the full range of psychological perinatal care must be necessary. ......

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