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http://www.100md.com 2009年5月1日 《家庭科学·新医学》 2009年第5期
     【摘 要】 目的:研究头孢唑林钠与两种止血药(酚磺乙胺、肾上腺色腙)配伍的稳定性。方法:采用紫外分光光度法考察头孢唑林钠与上述两种止血药在6h内的含量变化情况。结果:头孢唑林钠与两种止血药配伍后6h内其配伍液的外观、pH值以及各药的含量均无显著变化。结论:6h内头孢唑林钠与两种止血药配伍基本稳定。

    【关键词】 头孢唑林钠 酚磺乙胺 肾上腺色腙

    Stability observations of Cefazolin Sodium and two kinds of hemostatic compatibilities

    Li Xiafang,et al

    【Abstract】 Objective:Study Cefazolin Sodium and two hemostatic (Etamsylate, Norepinephrine ) stability of compatibility.Method:Adopt purple outside divide all luminosity law investigate Cefazolin Sodium and above- mentioned two hemostatic content change in 6h.Result:Cefazolin Sodium between sodium and two hemostatic 6h their compatibility appearance , pH value and every content of medicine of liquid have remarkable change after the compatibility.Conclusion:Cefazolin Sodium and basic stability of two kinds of hemostatic compatibilities in 6h.

    【Key words】 Cefazolin sodium Etamsylate Norepinephrine

    头孢唑林钠属第一代头孢类抗生素,在临床应用极为广泛 ......

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