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http://www.100md.com 2007年4月1日 《医药月刊》 2007年第4期

    关键词:重症肝炎 临床分析

    Clinical analysis in hepatitis in 90 advanced cases

    [Abstract]Objective: Pass to further proceed the clinical valid treatment measure that analyze the advanced case hepatitis to 90 advanced cases hepatitis the sufferer's medical history data.Methods: The review analyzes my hospital from January of 2005~ accept December in 2006 heavy hepatitis 90 diagnosises that cure cure the circumstance.Result: A 90 advanced cases hepatitis case dies 23 example,28 days in number in average hospitalization.Conclusion: On time, the earlier period, right treatment is to controls by force the condition prepare the behind important measure.

    [key words]Advanced case hepatitis;Clinical analysis

    中图分类号:R512.6 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-5085(2007)4-0001-02

    重症肝炎是机体在多种致病因子作用下 ......

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