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http://www.100md.com 2008年2月1日 《中外健康文摘·临床医师》 2008年第2期



    Briefnessdiscourse upon the control hypertension the health education knowledge Xia Yongchun

    【Abstract】The hypertension to become our country most common cardiovascular disease. Our country adult hypertension prevalence rate is 18.8%, compared with 1991, in 2002 our country hypertension prevalence rate rose 31%, the hypertension has been sick the population to increase approximately 70000000, affects the first factor which our country population always died. At present, the hypertension has become in the global scope the significant public health question. Therefore, launches the hypertension in view of the community crowd preventing and controlling is the hygienic work urgent matter, but determined the science effective preventing and controlling hypertension the health education knowledge, is very important work. ......

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