【中图分类号】R711.51 【文献标识码】C【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0115-02【摘要】天人相应理论是中医学理论体系的重要组成部分,是中医学认识人与自然统一的整体观,两千年来始终指导着中医临床实践活动,强调了人体的生命活动与自然界是息息相关的。而作为妇女最为特殊的生理变化-月经,亦是和大自然产生了微妙的联系。
Menstruation and “Heaven corresponding” Ni Xiaorong
【Abstract】Heaven corresponding theory of Chinese medicine theory is an important component of the system is in the medical understanding of man and nature reunification of the whole concept, two thousand years of Chinese medicine has always been guided clinical practice, highlighted the activities of human life And is closely related to the natural world. As the most special women’s physiological changes-menstruation, and is also produced a delicate nature of the link.
【Key words】Menstruation; “Heaven corresponding”
天人相应理论是中医学理论体系的重要组成部分 ......
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