【中图分类号】R749.053 【文献标识码】C【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0159-02【摘要】头孢菌类抗生素是以头孢菌培养得到的天然头孢菌素C为原料,在其母核7~氨基头孢烷酸(7~A~CA)加接不同的侧链而制成的一类广谱半合成抗生素。头孢菌类药物以其菌谱广,杀菌力强,耐酸,耐酶,毒副作用相对较小等优点而广泛应用于临床。但随着临床应用的增多,其不良反应也时有报道,其中又以包括头孢哌酮、头孢噻肟、头孢曲松、头孢他啶等在内的第三代头孢菌素的不良反应报道最为普遍,已引起了医药界的广泛关注。
Third-generation cephalosporin drugs and prevention of adverse reactions GaoHong
【Abstract】Cephalosporins fungi cephalosporin antibiotics is the natural bacteria are cultured cephalosporin C for raw materials, the parent of 7-amino acid cephalosporins (7~A~CA) and then a different side The chain made of a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics. Cephalosporin drugs fungi of its broad spectrum bactericidal resilient acid, enzyme-resistant, side effects, such as relatively small and widely used in clinical advantages. However, with the clinical application of the increase, its adverse reactions reported from time to time, again including cefoperazone, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, such as ceftazidime, the third-generation cephalosporins bad Reported the most common response, the Chinese medicine sector has attracted wide attention. ......
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