【中图分类号】R743.2 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0163-02【摘要】目的:通过对175例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)及其98例远期预后CT表现进行分析,正确认识CT在诊断HIE的 价值,以指导临床治疗与预后评估。方法:回顾性分析我院1997~2007年175例HIE 患者的临床资料,其中89例进行随访并CT复查。结果:CT 诊断,175例HIE 患者中32例正常,44例轻度HIE,52例中度HIE,47例重度HIE;89例复查患者中65例脑萎缩,51例脑软化,21例脑积水,8例脑钙化,11例未见明显异常。结论:HIE的诊断CT检查是非常必要的诊断证据,同时CT表现对临床治疗及预后评估有重要价值。
Newborn hypoxic ischemic encephoparhy and forward prognosis CT diagnosis Wu Zhaoliang Chen Xinjian
【Abstract】Objective:through the analysis carried on to 175 cases newbornhypoxic ischemic encephoparhy (HIE)and 98 cases forward prognosis CT performance, understand correctly CT’s value in diagnosing the HIE, instructs the clinical treatment and the prognosis appraisal.Method:Review to analyze 175 cases HIE patient’s clinical material in our hospitalin 1997~2007 year, 89 cases of which carry on the revisit and the CT reexamination . Result:Through the CT diagnosis, in 175 cases HIE patients 32 cases are normal, 44 cases mild HIE, 52 cases moderate HIE, 47 cases serious HIE; through reexamine to 89 cases patients,65 cases are atrophies of brain, 51 cases cerebromalacias, 21 cases hydrocephali, 8 cases brain calcification, 11 cases normal. Conclusion:For HIE diagnosis CT inspection is the extremely essential diagnosis evidence. Simultaneously the CT performance has the important value to the clinical treatment and the prognosis appraised. ......
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