【中图分类号】R248.3 【文献标识码】C【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0196-02【摘要】在分娩过程中,产妇枕横位导致继发性宫缩乏力,使产程延长,常需手术助产,容易发生软产道损伤,增加产后出血及感染机会,若胎头长时间压迫软产道,可发生缺血坏死脱落,形成生殖道瘘。同时,随着第二产程延长和手术助产机会的增多,常出现胎儿窘迫和新生儿窒息,使围生儿死亡率增高。因此,对枕横位产妇进行认真细致的观察并及时采取相应的护理措施,对分娩及产程进展有很大的影响。
Pillow cross-maternal care and the clinical experience Feng Mingying
【Abstract】In the process of birth, maternal pillow cross-led secondary uterine inertia, to extend the birth process, frequently assisted surgery, soft-injury-prone, postpartum hemorrhage and increase chances of infection, if the fetal head Soft-long oppression Road, avascular necrosis loss can occur, reproductive tract fistula formation. Meanwhile, with the second stage of surgery and midwifery opportunity to extend the increase, often in fetal distress and neonatal asphyxia, the perinatal mortality increased. Therefore, the cross-pillow maternal careful and meticulous observation to take timely and appropriate care measures, the progress of labor and delivery have great impact. ......
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