【中图分类号】R587.1 【文献标识码】D【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0236-02
Diabetes significance and feasibility analysis which treats in the community Fu Xiaobing
【Abstract】 Objective: The appraisal diabetes patient in the self-monitor treatment, the community tracks treats two groups of treatments plans, and discovers the most appropriate sugar II urinetreatment plan. Method: The diabetes II patient which through sieves to the Liaoning Province Shenyang Shen River District wind and rain world community inhabitant’s community looks up, discovers the diabetes patient newly to send case of illness, when complication does not have any illness complication, causes it separately to accept the self-treatment, the community tracks the treatment, and to all groupings patient in half year, a year, two years, three years carries on the track to pay a return visit. And carries on the feasibility analysis to the treatment result. Conclusion: 2 methods in treat the diabetes and delay in the illness complication to have the curative effect, but delays in the feasibility and the illness complication on to recommend the community to track the treatment. ......
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