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[1] 黄威权,张崇礼,庄临之等. 人胎盘绒毛膜神经降压素和5-羟色胺的定位及定量研究。科学通报. 1993:38:395
[2]Huang WQ,Zhang CL, Di XY, et al. Studies on the localization of 5- hydroxytrptamine and its receptors in human placenta. Placenta 1998 Nov;19(8):209
[3] Kurki P,Vanderlan M,Dolbeare F.et alExpression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)/cyclin during the cell cycle.Exp Cell Res. 1986 Sep;166(1):209-19
[4] 刘振千,梁风珍,马红军等. 5-羟色胺对气管平滑肌细胞增生的影响及c-fos的表达。 中华结核和呼吸杂志1998;21(1):56
[5]张崇礼,沈卫斌,黄威权等.人胎盘中神经递质的存在及其功能。生理通讯 1998;15:274
[6]Braunstein GD, Rasor J,Adler D et al Serum human chorionic gonadotropin levels throughout normal pregnancy.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1976 Nov 15;126(6)
[7]Baker J, Liu JP,Robertson EJRole of insulin-like growth factors in embryonic and postnatal growth. Cell. 1993 Oct 8;75(1):73-82
[8]李荣皓,庄临之. 人胎盘的生殖内分泌的研究——1 细胞滋养层细胞的无血清培养与生长因子的作用,中国科学(B辑) 1990;20:963
[9]Ladines-Llave CA, Maruo T, Manalo ASCytologic localization of epidermal growth factor and its receptor in developing human placenta varies over the course of pregnancy : Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1991 Nov;165(5 Pt 1):1377-82, 百拇医药(吕葆真 黄威权 赵鸿生)