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http://www.100md.com 2013年3月1日 《中外女性健康·下半月》 20133
     【摘 要】目的:提高间质性膀胱炎(interstitial cystitis, IC)患者在疾病情况下的健康管理意识和自我依靠能力。方法:回顾性分析9例间质性膀胱炎患者的临床资料。结果: 9例接受治疗的IC患者均得到及时的心理护理,并告知疾病和治疗的相关知识,能够有效地配合治疗。结论 科学的护理干预能够缓解患者的苦闷情绪,有助于控制病情,改善患者的生活质量。


    [Abstract] To improve the awareness of heatlth magagement and capacity of self reliance of interstitial cystitis(IC) patients Methods: The clinical data of 9 patients with interstitial cystitis were analysised retrospetctively. Results: Nine patients with IC received treatment as well as timely psychological care ......

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