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http://www.100md.com 2014年3月1日 中外女性健康·下半月 2014年第3期
     【摘 要】目的:探讨使用中药熏洗治疗紫癜的护理方法。方法:对60例过敏性紫癜患儿给予中药熏洗治疗。熏洗前评估患儿一般情况,加强心理护理,熏洗中注意观察病情及水温情况,熏洗后卧床休息,做好皮肤护理。结果:60例患者显效52 例,有效10 例,无效3 例。结论:中药熏洗对过敏性紫癜患儿的恢复有着较好疗效。


    [Abstract]Objective: To explore the nursing methods of using traditional Chinese medicine fumigation washing in treating purpura. Methods: herbal fumigation treatment of 60 cases of allergic purpura. Fumigation of assessment were generally, strengthen the psychological nursing, observation of disease and the temperature noted smoked wash ......

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