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http://www.100md.com 2014年5月1日 房玉荣


     摘要:目的:剖宫产术中小剂量氯胺酮对胎儿是否有影响;方法: 硬模外麻醉前不给麻醉前用药。剖腹产手术200例,年龄22~32岁,体重65~85公斤,胎心100次/分。结论: 胎儿在未取出前给予氯胺酮会引起新生儿反射性降低,呼吸抑制,在临床工作中若遇硬膜外麻醉阻滞不完全时慎用氯胺酮。



    Abstract:objective: cesarean section small-dose ketamine is influential to the fetus.Methods: stiff mould outside before anesthesia to medication before anesthesia. Cesarean section 200 cases, the age of 22 to 32 years old, 65 ~ 85 kg, heart 100 times/min.Conclusion: fetal given ketamine can cause before take out the reflective, lower respiratory depression, if encounter in the clinical work epidural block is not fully careful with ketamine

    Keywords ketamine The newborn The dosage

    【中图分类号】R614 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1672-8602(2014)05-0111-01

    在剖宫产术中硬膜外麻醉阻滞不完全时,辅以小剂量氯胺酮是临床常用方法之一 ......
