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[摘要] 目的:通过实验考察紫黄海绵粉的制备工艺及工艺的可行性。方法:从以下4个方面考察紫黄明胶海绵的制备工艺和工艺可行性:①用正交设计试验法筛选紫珠叶、大黄的提取工艺;②中药提取液的加入方式对海绵剂质量的影响;③明胶海绵吸入中药提取液后的性状变化;④内、外包装袋对成品性状、灭菌和含量的影响。结果:该4个方面均基本符合海绵剂的制剂学要求,方法可行。结论:本实验结果可以作为制定本制剂的标准制备工艺的依据,从而制定出制备工艺和工艺流程。
[关键词] 紫黄海绵粉;黄酮类;缩合鞣质;总蒽醌;游离蒽醌
[中图分类号]R943 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)01(a)-026-02
Preparation technology of Zihuang foam-rubber and its feasibility investigation
CAI Tao, ZHOU Jian-biao, ZHOU Tong, LU Feng-jin
(The 82nd Hospital of PLA, Huaian 223001,China)
[Abstract] Objective: To study the preparation technology of Zihuang foam-rubber and its feasibility. Methods: The preparation technology of Zihuang foam-rubber and its feasibility were studied from four aspects: ①to screen the extraction technology of beautyberry leaf and rhubarb by orthogonal design;②the effect of the adding method for extract on the quality of spongia gelatinosa;③the change of character after the extract was put into spongia gelatinosa;④the effect of inner and outer packaging bag on finished product character,sterilization and content ......