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[摘要] 目的:了解营口市流感主要流行毒株及流行规律。方法:采用流感样病例的咽拭子标本进行流感毒株分离及鉴定,对流感样病例进行分析。结果:全年共采集流感样病例咽拭325份,分离毒株7份,经鉴定均为甲3型。营口地区流感在11月进入流行高峰,持续到第2年3月。结论:营口市流感发病人群以青少年为主,其流行有明显的季节性。
[关键词] 流行性感冒(流感);流感样病例;监测;分析
[中图分类号]R195.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)02(b)-098-02
Analysis of monitoring results of influenza in Yingkou from 2005 to 2006
LIU Da-min, LI Gui-xiang, GUAN Xiao-yan, LI Xiao-bo
(Yingkou Municipal CDC of Liaoning Province,Yingkou 115000,China)
[Abstract] Objective: To study the mostly epidemic strains of flu and the epidemiological characteristics in Yingkou.Methods: Flu strains were isolated and identified through influenza-like cases specimens of throat swab, and influenza-like cases reports were analyzed ......