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http://www.100md.com 2008年6月22日 《中国医药导报》 2008年第12期
     [摘要] 创新能力是21世纪合格人才最重要的要素之一,实施创新教育已成为我国教育改革的主旋律。本文从四个方面论述了多媒体教学与创新思维的内在联系,希望能通过多媒体教学提高学习效率、优化课堂教学结构、培养学生多维化的思维方式。

    [关键词] 多媒体教学;创新思维;创新能力

    [中图分类号]G424 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)04(c)-076-03

    Multimedia teaching and innovative thinking

    LI Xiao-jing, LI Jin-jun

    (Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan Science and Technology University, Wuhan 430064, China)

    [Abstract] The capability of innovation is the most important element in the 21st century qualified talents. The implementation of innovative education has become the main theme of education reform in China. This essay discusses therelationship between the multimedia teaching and innovation thinking in four ways. We hope the multimedia teaching can improve the learning efficiency,optimize the structure of classroom teaching and train the multidimensional ways of students' thinking.

    [Key words] Multimedia teaching; Innovative thinking; Ability of innovation

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