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[摘要] 目的:研究博落回药材的提取工艺。方法:采用正交试验法,以白屈菜红碱得率及固形物为指标,考察乙醇浓度(A)、提取温度(B)、pH值(C)三个因素对博落回提取工艺的影响。结果:优化的博落回提取工艺为A2B1C2,即取博落回药材以80%乙醇、调节pH=5.0、60℃温浸提取。结论:本研究确定的最佳工艺可行。
[关键词] 博落回;提取工艺;正交试验;白屈菜红碱
[中图分类号] R284[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)07(a)-011-03
Study on the extraction process of Macleaya cordata(Willd.)R.Br.
LI Hui1,XIAO Jia-shang2
(1.The Sixth Branch Institute for Drug Control of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510800, China; 2.The Third Branch Institute for Drug Control of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510700, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To optimize the extraction process of Macleaya cordata(Willd.)R.Br..Methods: The study was carried out through orthogonal experimental designed with chelerythrine as the guide,3 influence factors including alcohol concentration, extraction temperature and pH ......