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http://www.100md.com 2008年7月15日 高秀文 罗庆东 刘金煜 王艳霞


     [摘要] 为了适应高等医学教育发展的需要,提高医学生的临床综合素质,构建医学生的立体思维框架和实际动手能力,我们对高等医学临床实践教学考核方法进行了研究与实践,以临床基础知识、毕业生产实习、毕业三阶段三位一体,构建了临床实践教学考核新方法——量化式三级目标考核法,并在2002级医本临床医学专业学生中进行了应用与研究,取得了满意效果。

    [关键词] 高等医学临床实践教学考核;量化式三级目标考核法;实践与研究

    [中图分类号]G427 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)07(b)-111-02

    Higher medical colleges clinical practice assessment methods of teaching practice and research

    GAO Xiu-wen1, LUO Qing-dong2,LIU Jin-yu1,WANGYan-xia1

    (1.Second Affiliated Hospital of Qiqihar Medical College, Qiqihar 161006,China;2.The Medical College of Qiqihar, Qiqihar 161042,China )

    [Abstract] In order to meet the needs of the development of medical students,improve the overall quality of medical students constructed a three-dimensional framework and practical hands-thinking ability, we have higher medical clinical practice teaching methods for assessing research and practice, and basic clinical knowledge, the graduates production practice, graduated from trinity in three stages, built a new clinical practice evaluation of teaching methods——quantitative evaluation of three goals, and in 2002 the medical students in clinical medicine and research for the application and achieved satisfactory results ......
