[摘要] 目的:探讨妇科急腹症处理及护理干预。方法:对100例妇科急腹症患者的腹痛性质、部位、停经史、面部表情、阴道流血、血压情况进行观察及护理干预。结果:100例妇科急腹症患者中,异位妊娠50例(50.0%);不全流产23例(23.0%);急性盆腔炎10例(10.0%);痛经8例(8.0%),其他9例(9.0%)。经积极治疗和护理干预,无一例死亡,全部治愈出院。结论:护理干预对提高妇科急腹症的疗效,有一定的作用。[关键词] 妇科;急腹症;护理干预
[中图分类号]R473 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)07(b)-148-02
Nursing interventionin patients with gynecological acute abdomen
CHEN Mei-ying
(Deportment of Gynecology,Huizhou Center Hospital, Huizhou 516001,China)
[Abstract] Objective:To investigate the treatment and nursing intervention in patients with gynecologic acute abdomen. Methods:100 cases of gynecologic patients with acute abdomen pain nature,location,the history of menopause, facial expressions, vaginal bleeding,blood pressure were observed and nursing intervention. Results:100 cases of acute abdomen gynecological patients,50 cases of ectopic pregnancy(50.0%);incomplete abortion 23 cases(23.0%); acute pelvic inflammatory disease in 10 patients(10.0%);dysmenorrhea eight cases(8.0%);the other nine cases(9.0%).No deaths,all cured after aggressive treatment and care interventions. Conclusion:The nursing intervention to improve the efficacy of acute abdomen had certain role. ......
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