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http://www.100md.com 2009年2月5日 《中国医药导报》 2009年第4期
     [摘要] 为改善中老年妇女的生活质量,特别是在低文化层次及低收入人群中,尼尔雌醇作为雌激素替代治疗的代表药物,因价格低廉、服用方法简便、有长效缓释作用且疗效确切而值得推广。它可以在低于标准计量的条件下,改善雌激素匮乏性血管舒缩综合征及自主神经功能障碍等各器官、系统衰老性疾病,预防骨丢失,改善心血管疾病的中间指标,减少动脉粥样硬化以及结肠癌的发病。

    [关键词] 尼尔雌醇;老年妇女;社区

    [中图分类号] R271.11+6 [文献标识码]C[文章编号]1673-7211(2009)02(a)-152-02

    The application of Nylestriol in older women of community

    TAO Zhi-hong, LIU Ping

    (The Sixth Hospital of Harbin, Harbin150030, China)

    [Abstract] To improve the quality of lives of older women, especially in the low cultural level and low-income population, as a representative drug of estrogen replacement therapy, Nylestriol is worth being generalized because of its low price, easy to take, long-term efficacy and exact role of the sustained-release. Under the condition of lower than the standard measurement it could improve the estrogen deficient vasomotor syndrome, vegetative nerve functional disturbance and other organs and systems of aging diseases, prevents bone loss and improves the middle indexes of cardiovascular disease, reduce the occurrences of atherosclerosis as well as colon cancer. ......

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