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http://www.100md.com 2009年7月5日 莫 兰


     [摘要] 目的:观察维生素E按摩防治早产儿硬肿症的临床效果。方法:选择孕期28周以上,体重1 000 g以上的早产儿78例,随机分为治疗组40例及对照组38例,除给予相同的全身治疗外,治疗组患儿入院时给予维生素E注射液全身按摩,对照组患儿给予润肤油全身按摩。结果:治疗组发生硬肿的患儿明显少于对照组,硬肿显效时间、硬肿消退时间明显短于对照组。结论:对早产儿给予维生素E全身按摩,可减少硬肿出现及促进硬肿尽快消散吸收,临床疗效显著。

    [关键词] 维生素E;按摩;润肤油;硬肿症

    [中图分类号] R722.1[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)07(a)-109-02

    The clinical observation of Vitamin E massage prevents and controls the sclerema neonatorum

    MO Lan

    (Yunfu City Women's and Children's Dispensary, Yunfu 527300, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To observe the clinical effect of vitamin E massage prevents and controls the sclerema neonatorum. Methods: The choice was pregnant above 28 weeks, the body weight 1 000 g above premature infant 78 examples, then randomly divided into the treatment group (40 examples) and the control group (38 examples), the two groups were given the same whole body treatment, and the treatment group in hospital were given the Vitamin E inoculation fluid whole body massage, the control group were given the soothing oil whole body massage ......
