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加强护生礼仪服务教育 构建和谐护患关系
http://www.100md.com 2010年2月15日 《中国医药导报》2010年第5期
     [摘要] 加强对护生礼仪服务教育,展示良好的自身修养及文化内涵,使护生提高护理服务品质,减少护患矛盾,构建和谐护患关系,满足患者的心理、生理和社会需求,促进其早日康复。

    [关键词] 礼仪服务;和谐;护患关系

    [中图分类号] R47[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)02(b)-102-02

    To strengthen nursing students′ etiquette service education and construct the harmonious relationship between nurses and patients

    LIU Chunlei1, ZHAO Mukun2 , DONG Fanghong1, XIE Xiujun1

    (1.College of Nursing, Hebei University, Baoding071000, China; 2.Clinical Medical College, Hebei University, Baoding071000, China)

    [Abstract] To strengthen the etiquette service education for nursing students and show good self-cultivation and cultural connotation, so that nursing students can improve the quality of nursing services, reduce nurse-patient contradictions, construct the harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, meet the patient's psychological, physical and social needs, promote their a speedy recovery.

    [Key words] Etiquette service; Harmonious; Relationship between nurses and patients

    以人为本和以患者为中心的服务宗旨,不仅包括为患者提供优良的护理技术,还包括更加广泛的优质服务内涵,而这种优质服务内涵的反映形式是礼仪服务 ......

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