[摘要] 糖尿病足部病变是最令糖尿病患者痛苦的常见慢性并发症之一,也是致残、致死的重要原因。糖尿病足的基本病理变化是糖尿病患者由于合并神经病变使足部感觉障碍,合并周围血管病变,使下肢缺血失去活动能力。对于糖尿病患者来说,一个微小的足部创伤都可能会造成终身残废,轻者皮肤溃烂、化脓感染,重则发展成坏疽而截肢。因此,对糖尿病患者足部病损的预防尤为重要。[关键词] 糖尿病足;护理;概况
[中图分类号] R473.5[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)05(b)-106-03
Overview on diagnosis and nursing of diabetic foot
(The Second Affiliated Hospotal Chongqing Medical University Endocrinologist, Chongqing400010,China)
[Abstract] The diabetic foot disease is the most common chronic pain in patients with diabetes complications,is also disabled,an important reason for death. The basic pathological changes of diabetic foot in diabetic patients with neuropathy due to the merger so that the foot sensory dysfunction, with peripheral vascular disease, so that loss of the activities of lower limb ischemia. For diabetic patients,a minor foot trauma are likely to result in permanent disability, light in skin ulceration,purulent infection,while in black gangrene amputation. Therefore, the prevention of diabetic foot lesions is particularly important. ......
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