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http://www.100md.com 2010年5月15日 《中国医药导报》 2010年第14期
     [摘要] 目的:探讨凝血酶原活动度<30%的重症肝病患者PICC并发症的护理。方法:回顾总结40例重症肝病患者应用PICC在输液治疗时并发症的护理。结果:局部渗血率为100%,肢体水肿率为37%,静脉炎发生率为15%。结论:凝血酶原活动度<30%的重症肝病患者PICC并发症重,护理不能给予喜疗妥药膏局部涂擦,不可滥用药物,应加强凝血酶原活动度<30%的患者PICC置管后并发症护理和研究。

    [关键词] PICC;重症肝病患者;并发症;护理

    [中图分类号] R446 [文献标识码]B[文章编号]1673-7210(2010)05(b)-160-02

    Care on the complications PICC of severe liver patients with prothrombin activity less than thirty percent

    ZHU Hongmei

    (Out-Patient ward 13, the Second Hospital in Daqing City, Daqing 163461, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To confer the care on the complications PICC of severe liver patients with prothrombin activity less than thirty percent. Methods: Reviewed the care on the complications PICC of 40 cases severe liver patients with prothrombin activity less than thirty percent. Results: The rate of local bleeding was 100%, the rate of limb edema was 37%, the rate of phlebitis incidence was 15%. Conclusion: Prothrombin activity less than thirty percent of PICC complications in patients with severe liver weight, care can not be embrocated Hirudoid Cream not drug abuse should be strengthened care and research of prothrombin activity less than thirty percent of the patients home PICC complications after tube. ......

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