[摘要] 整合门诊服务是以专科疾病诊治为纽带,通过两个及以上专业科室的联合应诊,为患者提供一站式门诊服务的新型诊疗模式。本文通过对我院整合门诊服务的目标定位、设置模式、日常运行、管理及效果进行总结与评价,旨在探索既有利于科学分诊,为患者提供专业性、综合性、系统性的优质门诊窗口服务,又能使患者在短时间内获得个性化诊治服务,提高诊治质量的医疗就诊模式。[关键词] 整合门诊;管理;探讨
[中图分类号] R197.1[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)06(a)-224-02
Primary exploration of integrated out-patient service management
CAO Lijing1, JI Taoying1, CHEN Xingbao2*
(1.Gongli Hospital in Pudong District, Shanghai 200135, China; 2.School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China)
[Abstract] Integrated out-patient service is a new treatment model, which was used as the linkage of specialized disease, providing the all-in-one ambulatory service pattern for patients by joint reception of several departments. The evaluation was done through elaborating the target position, configuration mode, operation, administration and effects of the integrated out-patient service in our hospital. To explore a new treatment model which could both facilitating the registration of patients and help them to access to individual diagnosis and treatment timely, provide the professional, synthetic and systematic out-patient service. It also can be improved the quality of treatment. ......
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