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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月25日 《中国医药导报》 2011年第33期
     [摘要] 日本的汉方医学历来尤为注重对仲景经方的研究,对于中医经方乃至中医药的发展具有十分重要的启示。中医应提高对经方的重视程度,加强经方的应用与研究;在经方研究过程中注重实用性、规范性、客观性,并在推行经方产业化过程中,不忘保持经方传统。

    [关键词] 日本汉方;中医经方;经方研究

    [中图分类号] R-09 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)11(c)-113-02

    The revelation on study of classic formulas of Zhang Zhongjing in Japan

    LI Jun

    China Institute for the History of Chinese Medicine and Medical Literature, China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing 100700, China

    [Abstract] Japanese Han prescription Medicine has always put emphasis on classic formulas of Zhang Zhongjing, which brings very important revelation to our development on Chinese classical formulas and even traditional Chinese medical science. We should pay much more attention on classical formulas study, and enhance the using and research of it. During the process the practicability, normative and objectivity should be stressed. However, the tradition of classic formulas should not be ignored when the industrialization of classic formulas is pushing on. ......
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