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[摘要] 目的 探讨骨折患者钢板取出术后切口感染预防与护理对策。 方法 随机筛选2009年8月~2011年5月我院收治的行骨折钢板取出术患者300例,并将其随机分为常规护理组(150例)和护理干预组(150例)。常规护理组实行常规护理措施,护理干预组在对患者进行个体化护理评估后,进行有针对性的护理干预。比较两组患者切口感染情况和护理满意度。 结果 护理干预组无感染病例发生,均痊愈出院。两组治疗后评分比较,护理干预组切口感染患者(0例)明显少于常规护理组(21例),差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。常规护理组患者满意度(60.67%)低于护理干预组(98.67%),差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 对患者采取有针对性的护理干预有利于患者康复,降低切口感染的几率,提高患者的满意度。
[关键词] 骨折;钢板取出术;切口感染预防;护理对策
[中图分类号] R473.6 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)01(c)-0134-02
Incision infection prevention and nursing strategies of patients with fracture after steel plate removal surgery
ZENG Xiuzhen
Liuzhuyuan Community Health Service Center, Xixiang People's Hospital of Bao'an District in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518102, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the incision infection prevention and nursing strategies of patients with fracture after steel plate removal surgery. Methods 300 patients admitted and treated with fracture steel plate removal surgery in our hospital from August 2009 to May 2011 were randomly selected and divided into the conventional nursing group (n = 50) and the nursing intervention group (n = 50). The conventional nursing group received conventional nursing measures while the nursing intervention group received specific nursing intervention after personalized nursing evaluation. The incision infection and nursing satisfaction of both groups were compared. Results There was no occurrence of infection in the nursing intervention group and all the patients fully recovered and left hospital. The score comparison of both groups after treatment showed that the nursing intervention group (0 case) was significantly lower than the conventional nursing group (21 cases) in the incision infection, with significant difference (P < 0.05). The conventional nursing group (60.67%) was significantly lower than the nursing intervention group (98.67%) in the satisfaction rate, with significant difference (P < 0.05). Conclusion Specific nursing intervention for the patients is conducive to patient rehabilitation, and reduce incision infection and improve patient satisfaction ......