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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月5日 朱广运


     [摘要] 目的 观察研究拍火疗法配合推拿治疗腰肌劳损的临床疗效和机制。 方法 将400例患者随机分为采用拍火疗法配合推拿治疗的治疗组(200例)和采用中药熏蒸配合推拿治疗的对照组(200例),治疗2个疗程后进行疗效观察,6个月后随访,最后比较两组临床疗效。 结果 治疗组治愈率为54.5%(109/200),显效率为26.5%(53/200),愈显率为81.0%;对照组治愈率为48.5%(97/200),显效率为15.5%(31/200),愈显率为64.0%。治疗组愈显率与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),治疗组疗效明显优于对照组。 结论 拍火疗法配合推拿治疗腰肌劳损简廉易行,具有良好的治疗效果和特色。

    [关键词] 腰肌劳损;拍火疗法;推拿疗法;临床研究

    [中图分类号] R244.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(a)-0109-03

    Clinical study on shoot fire therapy combined with massage therapy in the treatment of lumbar muscle strain

    ZHU Guangyun

    Department of Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Feicheng City, Shandong Province, Feicheng 271600, China

    [Abstract] Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of shoot fire therapy combined with massage therapy in the treatment of lumbar muscle strain. Methods 400 patients were randomly divided into the treatment group which was given shot fire therapy combined with massage therapy and the control group which was given herbal steaming therapy combined with massage therapy, each group had 200 cases. Treatment efficacy of two groups were observed after 2 courses of treatment and follow-up were performed 6 months after treatment, and then the therapeutic efficacies of the two groups were compared and analyzed. Results In the treatment group, the cure rate was 54.5% (109/200), marked improvement rate was 26.5% (53/200) and good improvement rate was 81.0%; in the control group, the cure rate was 48.5% (97/200), marked improvement rate was 15.5% (31/200) and good improvement rate was 64.0%. The good improvement rate of the treatment group was significantly better than that of the control group (P <0.05). Conclusion Combined therapy of shoot fire therapy and massage therapy is easy and inexpensive in the treatment of lumbar muscle strain and the treatment also has good therapeutic effect and unique features.

    [Key words] Lumbar muscle strain; Shoot fire therapy; Massage therapy; Clinical study

    慢性腰肌劳损又称“腰背肌筋膜炎”、“功能性腰痛”等,主要指腰骶部积累性的肌肉、筋膜、韧带等软组织的慢性损伤,导致局部无菌性炎症,从而引起腰骶部一侧或两侧的弥漫性疼痛,是慢性腰腿痛中最常见的疾病,目前腰肌劳损正成为一种国际性的流行病,患病率仅次于上呼吸道感染而位居第二[1],因其对工作和生活影响较大,故应积极防治。近几年我科开展的拍火疗法[2]配合推拿治疗腰肌劳损的临床研究 ......
