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[摘要] 目的 调查分析口服抗微生物药品的服药时间,为患者合理用药提供参考。 方法 参考第17 版《新编药物学》、《中国医师药师临床用药指南》及药品说明书的相关项目,对体现服药时间的口服抗微生物药按通用名进行分类、统计。 结果 所调查169种口服抗微生物药品中, 要求空腹服用44种,餐时服用30种,餐后服用21种,与进食关系不大的26种,未作具体要求的37种,对进食食品有特殊要求的11种,其中,有1种药品要求空腹或餐后服用,2种要求餐时或餐后服用,4种要求空腹或餐时服用。 结论 口服抗微生物药品服药时间要求差别很大,需根据具体情况服用,临床药师在临床药学实践及药房药品调配工作中要做好用药交代工作,促进合理用药。
[关键词] 抗微生物药;服药时间;调查分析;进食
[中图分类号] R969.3 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)04(a)-0150-03
Investigation and analysis of medication time of oral anti-microbial drugs
LIU Jiali
Department of Pharmacy, the People's Hospital of Longgang District in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518172, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate and analyze the medication time of oral anti-microbial drugs, in order to provide suggestion for patients on reasonable medication. Methods Medication time of oral anti-microbial drugs were investigated by categories, on the basis of the 17th edition of New Pharmacology, Medication Guide for Chinese Physicians and Pharmacist and the related items in the package inserts of the drugs. Results Among the 169 kinds of investigated oral anti-microbial drugs, 44 kinds had to be taken when the stomach was empty, 30 kinds taken during meal, 21 kinds taken after meal and 26 kinds' medication time were not related to meals. 37 kinds of drugs had no specific requirements for medication time, while 11 kinds had specific requirements on the food taken. Among 169 kinds of oral anti-microbial drugs, 1 kind has to be taken with empty stomach or after meal, 2 kinds had to be taken during or after meals and 4 kinds had to be taken with empty stomach or during meal. Conclusion Oral anti-microbial drugs have very different requirement on the medication time. Clinical pharmacists should give clear instructions on medication time in clinical pharmacy practice and pharmacy drug dispense to promote rational drug use.
[Key words] Anti-microbial drugs; Medication time; Investigation and analysis; Eating
在临床药学实践或药房药品调配工作中,常遇到需要向患者交代口服药用药时间的问题。口服抗微生物药是最常用的口服药之一。口服给药的时间有空腹、餐时、餐后、清晨、睡前等几种类型。药物的服药时间是根据每种药物药效学、药动学的不同及药物与食物的关系等多种因素来决定的。为此, 本文对口服抗微生物药品的服药时间进行调查、统计分析,以便在临床药学实践及药房药品调配工作中为患者合理用药提供参考。
1 资料与方法
参考第17版《新编药物学》[1]、《中国医师药师临床用药指南》[2]及药品说明书的用法用量、注意事项等项目,对体现服药时间的口服抗微生物药按通用名参考第17版《新编药物学》药物分类标准进行分类、统计。空腹服用一般指餐前1 h或餐后2 h服用;餐时服用是指进餐当时或饭前片刻服用;餐后服用是指餐后15~30 min服用。
2 结果
3 讨论
本研究调查结果显示,口服抗微生物药品对进食要求差别很大。根据要求,在临床药学实践或药房药品调配工作中为患者提供咨询帮助,对患者合理用药有较大意义。食物的种类、体积、黏滞性等均能影响药物的吸收;食物既能减低也能增加药物的吸收,既可降低疗效也可增加毒性,既可影响胃肠内环境,又可改变胃肠能动性;有些药物空腹服用时生物利用度高,饱腹时低[3]1234。药物在消化道内吸收的影响因素是不稳定的,这主要与药物本身的消化性质及吸收机制有关 ......