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http://www.100md.com 2012年7月5日 《中国医药导报》 2012年第19期
     [摘要] C-反应蛋白(CRP)是一种肝脏合成的急性期反应蛋白,由5个相似的大小约为23 kDa的亚基以共价键相连,均衡对称分布。具有这种蛋白结构的相关蛋白同属于五聚体血浆蛋白家族(penraxin)。CRP参与机体对炎症的免疫反应,包括在Ca2+存在下和磷酸胆碱结合来识别病原体,直接结合C1q进而激活补体经典途径扩大反应,还可以通过和FcγRI和FcγRⅡ结合,诱导嗜菌作用的发生。在炎症初期,CRP在血浆浓度迅速上升,这一特性在医学被广泛应用。牙周炎是机体由于微生物感染引起的炎症性疾病,其炎症刺激可导致急性期反应的发生,引起患者血清CRP浓度的升高,终末期肾病(ESRD)呈现微炎症状态,CRP浓度显著高于健康人,而且有研究显示ESRD患者具有较高的牙周炎患病率,推断ESRD与牙周炎发病可能存在共同危险因素。本资料就血清CRP在牙周炎和ESRD相互联系中发挥的作用研究作一简要综述。

    [关键词] C-反应蛋白;牙周炎;终末期肾病

    [中图分类号] R781.42 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)07(a)-0010-03
, 百拇医药
    Research in the role of C-reactive protein in the relationship between periodontitis and end-stage renal disease

    WANG Xiaobo YIN Yue▲ ZHANG Qiang CHEN Hui

    Department of Stomatology, the Affiliated Hospital of Hebei United University, Hebei Province, Tangshan 063000, China

    [Abstract] C-reactive protein (CRP) is a acute-phase synthesized in the liver, which is consisted of five identical, and noncovalently associated of 23 kDa protomers arranged symmetrically.The term "pentraxin" has been used to describe the family of related proteins with this structure. CRP participates in the systemic response to inflammation, including calcium depedent phosphocholine-binding to recognize pathogens, activating the classical complement pathway through direct interaction with C1q, inter- acting with the immunoglobulin receptors FcγRI and FcγRⅡ eliciting a response from phagocytic cells. Its rapid increase in synthesis during inflammatory states is largely used during these years. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease which mostly caused by infection of microorganism and the inflammation may induce acute phase reaction and lead to elevate-serous CRP level. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) presented the inflammatory condition, CRP were significantly higher than healthy people, and studies show that ESRD patients with higher periodontitis prevalence, concluding that ESRD and periodontal disease may exist of common risk factors. In this article, we sum up the role of CRP in the relationship between periodontitis and ESRD.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words] C-reaction protein; Periodontitis; End-stage renal disease


    近年来,牙周炎与肾病的关系国外研究颇多[1],终末期肾病(end-stage renal disease,ESRD)是一种“微炎状态”——全身性的以细胞因子驱动为特征的慢性炎症状态,具体表现为因肾功能衰竭导致的一系列复杂的机体内环境紊乱。多项研究表明,牙周组织的炎症可诱导心血管疾病而加快终末期肾病的进程,终末期肾病与牙周炎发病可能存在共同危险因素,同时,完善的牙周治疗也可改善肾病患者的炎症控制,两者可能存在协同的病生机制。, http://www.100md.com(王晓波 殷悦 张强 陈辉)
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