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http://www.100md.com 2015年10月5日 中国医药导报 2015年第28期
     [摘要] 青年教师是高校师资队伍中的新生力量和中坚力量,切实抓好基础医学青年教师的教育和培养,是实现医学院校办学目标、深化教育改革、提高教育质量的重中之重,也是我国高等医学教育事业巩固和发展的保证。要以临床医学专业认证为契机,使青年教师的教育和培养工作更加科学化、规范化和制度化。要优化青年教师培训的内容与形式,加强师德师风建设与培养,并着力提高青年教师教学业务技能水平、科学研究素质及人文素质等,学习先进教育理念,开展校际交流与合作,同时拓宽青年教师的培养方法和考核方式,以全面提高基础医学青年教师的综合业务素质,有效提高医学教育质量。

    [关键词] 临床专业认证;青年教师;综合素质培养;基础医学

    [中图分类号] R193 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2015)10(a)-0133-04

    Improving professional quality of basic medicine young teacher in clinical medicine professional certification as an opportunity
, 百拇医药
    ZHAO Shuang1 WEI Shiping2 DU Meisu2 HUANG Yanfeng1 ZHANG Shengchang3▲

    1.Basic Medical College, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Baise 533000, China; 2.Department of Basic, Xingtai Medical College, Hebei Province, Xingtai 054000, China; 3.Anatomy Teaching and Research Section, Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530001, China

    [Abstract] Young teachers are the new forces and backbone elements of faculties in universities and colleges, earnestly implement education and cultivation of basic medicine young teachers are the highest priority of reaching the aim of running a medical school especially in basic medicine, deepening educational reform and improving education quality. It is also the guarantee for the consolidation and development of advanced medical education in our country. Taking the clinical medicine accreditation as a good chance, the training work for young teachers should be made more scientific, standard and systematical. Its cultivation contents and forms should be optimized, we must strength the cultivation of young teachers′ moral character and demeanor, improve their teaching level, scientific research quality and humanistic quality. Learning advanced educational notion, developing intercollegiate exchanges, at the same time, widening the culture method and evaluation mode for young teachers, strengthening the comprehensive quality of young teachers who teaching basic medicine and the quality of medical education.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words] Clinical professional certification; Young teacher; Comprehensive quality cultivation; Basic medicine


    1 基础医学青年教师队伍现况

    以右江民族医学院为例,青年教师的队伍数量庞大,40岁以下青年教师已至60%以上。近年来高校大规模扩招,学校的教学任务量特别是本科教学任务量随之增多,很多青年教师没有经过专业系统地教育教学及授课培训学习,就担任一门甚至几门课程的主讲老师,可是这些青年教师多数毕业于医学类院校,尚未十分掌握高等教育的教学规律、缺少一定教学经验,教学基本功会相对略显弱势[2],在一定程度上会影响相关课程的授课质量,整体教学业务能力有待提高[3]。同时,加强师德师风、人文素养和科研能力等有针对性的培养培训,对于提升基础医学青年教师的业务能力尤为重要[4]。, 百拇医药(赵爽等)
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