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http://www.100md.com 2016年5月25日 《中国医药导报》2016年第15期
     [摘要] 为探寻推动云南基层中医药快速发展的战略路径,本文运用SWOT法分析云南基层中医药发展内外环境,可知,云南基层中医药发展有着中医药资源丰富与文化悠久、民营医疗机构蓬勃发展等优势,但也存在管理体制不健全、硬件基础薄弱、基层中医药服务网络协同机制不完善等劣势。在政府不断加大基层中医药建设力度、群众热衷中医药的有利机遇下,重点要解决人才队伍弱、中医药服务能力低、基层中医药生存环境差等问题。通过分析定位,云南基层中医药发展应选择增长型战略,以政府的重视和投入为根本,以中医药人才队伍建设为核心,以巩固民众需求为基础,抓住大健康产业发展机遇,持续推进基层中医药快速发展。

    [关键词] 云南;基层中医药;SWOT;战略选择

    [中图分类号] R647 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)05(c)-0131-05

    [Abstract] To search for the strategic path of rapid development of grassroots level of TCM service system in Yunnan, this article applies SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) analytical theories to analyze internal and external environment for development of Yunnan grassroots level of TCM and come to the conclusion that Yunnan has the advantages of rich TCM resources and culture history, flourishing private medical institutions and so forth, but there are disadvantages like imperfect management system, weak hardware foundation, imperfect network synergy mechanism of grassroots level of TCM service. Under the situation of government's continuous investment in grassroots level of TCM construction and people's enthusiasms for TCM, the key work is solving the problem of lack of professional talents, low service ability and poor surviving environment of grassroots level of TCM. Through analysis, Yunnan grassroots level of TCM should select growth-oriented strategy which take the government's attention and investment as fundamental, team building as the core, consolidation of public needs as the basis, seize opportunities of developing great health industry and persistently promote the rapid development of grassroots level of TCM.

    [Key words] Yunnan; Grassroots level of TCM; SWOT; Strategic choice


    1 云南省基层中医药发展的SWOT分析

    1.1 优势分析

    1.1.1 拥有丰富的中药材资源 云南素有“动植物王国”和“药物宝库”之称,天然药物资源的品种数量居全国之首,中药资源品种有6559种,占全国的51.4%,占全国现有野生植物药材的80%,占150万种昆虫生物资源的55.3%。全省天然药物原料资源种植基地437万亩,建立了文山三七、昭通天麻、红河灯盏花等7个国家地理标志产品质量标准[2],丰富的中药材资源为基层中医药发展提供了坚实的物质基础。

    1.1.2 具有深厚的中医药民族医药历史文化积淀 云南少数民族众多,各少数民族在长期与疾病抗争的过程中,积累起各具特色的医药传统与文化。其中傣、藏、彝、纳西、佤、白等民族医药历史悠久,医药体系独特,群众基础深厚。目前云南省有文字记录的各民族药材达2000多种,民间验方1万余个[3]。中医药和民族医药相互交融、兼容并蓄,在过去和今天仍为保障云南各族人民健康,维护边疆和谐稳定发挥了重要作用。这在一定程度上为云南基层推广中医药适宜技术奠定了较好的群众基础。 (张晓燕 章涤凡 高矗群 黄莺 姜旭 )
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