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http://www.100md.com 2018年12月25日 《中国医药导报》 2018年第36期
     [摘要] 通过对1例以亚急性甲状腺炎(以下简称“亚甲炎”)首诊患者的肢端肥大症诊疗过程的回顾,更全面地了解肢端肥大症在全身各组织尤其是甲状腺组织中的特殊表现。这1例患者表现为缓慢的面容、骨骼改变,期间先后至多学科就诊均未能得到病因诊断,最终因亚甲炎在内分泌科首诊时根据其病史结合查体、激素检查及影像学,诊断垂体生长激素瘤导致肢端肥大症。术后患者面容、骨骼改变逐渐改善。肢端肥大症因其起病隐匿,异质性强,极易误诊,对于亚甲炎首诊的肢端肥大症临床上罕见,但通过复习文献,了解到生长激素在神经内分泌与免疫系统中的重要作用,为诊治肢端肥大症打开新的思路。

    [关键词] 肢端肥大症;亚急性甲状腺炎;垂体瘤;生长激素;首发症状

    [中图分类号] R584.11 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)12(c)-0144-05

    [Abstract] The clinical data of one patient of acromegaly with first clinical manifestation as subacute thyroiditis was fully analyzed, and related literatures were reviewed. The patient ignored progressive somatic enlargement and jaw overgrowth weakness for years, and visited different department before endocrinology, until subacute thyroiditis happened, through reviewing the whole story of the patient, and hormone and MRI examination, acromegaly caused by pituitary tumor releasing excess growth hormone was diagnosed. After operation ......
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