[摘要] 重症肌无力(MG)是一种神经肌肉接头传递障碍的获得性自身免疫性疾病,通常隐袭起病。该病呈进展性或缓解与复发交替性发展,可因感染、劳累等因素诱发或导致病情加重。结合古文献MG相关症状的论述及现代研究,认为伏邪因素在MG发病过程中具有重要作用。因此在对MG的治疗方面,应在补虚的基础上,重视对伏邪的辨治。在急性发病期,应补虚与祛邪并重,随病情稳定,逐渐减少祛邪药物而增加补虚力度。补虚以补益脾肾为主,祛邪则根据毒、热、湿、痰、瘀的不同而给予不同的祛邪治法。
[关键词] 伏邪;重症肌无力;中医药
[中图分类号] R746.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)04(c)-0145-05
Treatment of myasthenia gravis based on the theory of "hidden pathogen"
RAN Weizheng1 YUE Xifeng2 GAO Fang3 LI Nannan3 LIU Jialin4 ZHANG Xinning1 WANG Yao1 CHEN Zhigang3
1.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China; 2.TCM Department, Shenzhen Longhua District Central Hospital, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518110, China; 3.NO.1 Neurology Department, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China; 4.NO.3 Neurology Department, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China
[Abstract] Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a kind of acquired autoimmune disease with neuromuscular junction transmission disorder, which is always characterized by insidious onset. It is progressive or develops alternately with remission and recurrence, and can be induced or aggravated by infection, fatigue and other factors. Combined with the discussion of related symptoms of MG in the ancient literature and the modern researches, it is believed that hidden pathogen plays an important role in the pathogenesis of MG. Therefore, in the treatment of MG, on the basis of supplementing deficiency, attention should be paid to the differentiation and treatment of hidden pathogen. In the acute stage, reinforcing deficiency shouled be paid equal attention with eliminating pathogenic factors. In the remission stage, gradually reduce eliminating pathogenic factors while increase efforts to reinforcing deficiency. Reinforcing deficiency mainly benefits spleen and kidney, while eliminating pathogens is given different treatment methods according different factors: pathogenic toxin, heat, dampness, phlegm and blood stasis.
[Key words] Hidden pathogen; Myasthenia gravis; Traditional Chinese medicine
重癥肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)是一种神经肌肉接头传递障碍的获得性自身免疫性疾病,主要表现为骨骼肌极易疲劳,活动后症状加重,休息及应用胆碱酯酶抑制剂后症状明显减轻。多为隐袭起病,呈进展性或缓解与复发交替性发展。根据该病的临床表现,可归属于中医学的“痿证”“睑废”或“胞垂”“视歧”等范畴。陈志刚教授在多年临床经验的基础上,结合MG的发病特点提出从伏邪角度论治该病的观点,临床取得较好疗效。
1 伏邪理论的历史及研究现状
1.1 伏邪理论在古代的发展
《黄帝内经》中无明确的“伏邪”二字,但在多个篇章中有对于伏邪理念的体现。如《素问·热论》:“凡病伤寒而成温者……”,提出伤寒成温的理论。《素问·疟论》指出温症“得之冬中于风寒,气藏于骨髓之中,至春则阳气大发……此病藏于肾,其气先从内出之于外也”。指出温疟的发病因于冬时感寒,邪气伏藏,至春复感外邪或逢正虚而发病。又如《素问·生气通天论》“夏伤于暑,秋为痎疟……冬伤于寒,春必温病”。除此之外,张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》“伏气之病,以意候之,今月之内,欲有伏气。假令旧有伏气,当须脉之”的论述中首次提出“伏气”之名。晋王叔和在《脉经》“热病……伏毒伤肺中脾者死,热病……伏毒伤肝中胆者死,热病……伏毒在肝腑足少阳者死”中首次提出了“伏毒”之名。吴又可在《温疫论》中首次将“伏”与“邪”联用,即首用“伏邪”这一概念。随着温病学的兴起,“伏寒化温”之说得到了广泛的传播。清代刘吉人在《伏邪新书》中对伏邪作了较为全面的概括论述:“感六淫而即发病者,轻者谓之伤,重者谓之中。感六淫而不即病过后发者,总谓之伏邪,已发者而治不得法,病情隐伏,亦谓之曰伏邪。有初感治不得法,正气内伤,邪气内陷,暂时假愈,后仍作者,亦谓之曰伏邪。有已治愈,而未能除尽病根,遗邪内伏,后又复发,亦谓之曰伏邪。”可见,在秦汉时期,已经出现了“伏邪”的类似概念,且是一种广义的理解。至明代则将伏邪内涵逐渐狭义化为“伏寒化温”之说。而后清代医家则又突破了伏邪只在伏气温病范围内讨论的樊笼。, 百拇医药(冉维正 岳喜峰 高芳)
[关键词] 伏邪;重症肌无力;中医药
[中图分类号] R746.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)04(c)-0145-05
Treatment of myasthenia gravis based on the theory of "hidden pathogen"
RAN Weizheng1 YUE Xifeng2 GAO Fang3 LI Nannan3 LIU Jialin4 ZHANG Xinning1 WANG Yao1 CHEN Zhigang3
1.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China; 2.TCM Department, Shenzhen Longhua District Central Hospital, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518110, China; 3.NO.1 Neurology Department, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China; 4.NO.3 Neurology Department, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China
[Abstract] Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a kind of acquired autoimmune disease with neuromuscular junction transmission disorder, which is always characterized by insidious onset. It is progressive or develops alternately with remission and recurrence, and can be induced or aggravated by infection, fatigue and other factors. Combined with the discussion of related symptoms of MG in the ancient literature and the modern researches, it is believed that hidden pathogen plays an important role in the pathogenesis of MG. Therefore, in the treatment of MG, on the basis of supplementing deficiency, attention should be paid to the differentiation and treatment of hidden pathogen. In the acute stage, reinforcing deficiency shouled be paid equal attention with eliminating pathogenic factors. In the remission stage, gradually reduce eliminating pathogenic factors while increase efforts to reinforcing deficiency. Reinforcing deficiency mainly benefits spleen and kidney, while eliminating pathogens is given different treatment methods according different factors: pathogenic toxin, heat, dampness, phlegm and blood stasis.
[Key words] Hidden pathogen; Myasthenia gravis; Traditional Chinese medicine
重癥肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)是一种神经肌肉接头传递障碍的获得性自身免疫性疾病,主要表现为骨骼肌极易疲劳,活动后症状加重,休息及应用胆碱酯酶抑制剂后症状明显减轻。多为隐袭起病,呈进展性或缓解与复发交替性发展。根据该病的临床表现,可归属于中医学的“痿证”“睑废”或“胞垂”“视歧”等范畴。陈志刚教授在多年临床经验的基础上,结合MG的发病特点提出从伏邪角度论治该病的观点,临床取得较好疗效。
1 伏邪理论的历史及研究现状
1.1 伏邪理论在古代的发展
《黄帝内经》中无明确的“伏邪”二字,但在多个篇章中有对于伏邪理念的体现。如《素问·热论》:“凡病伤寒而成温者……”,提出伤寒成温的理论。《素问·疟论》指出温症“得之冬中于风寒,气藏于骨髓之中,至春则阳气大发……此病藏于肾,其气先从内出之于外也”。指出温疟的发病因于冬时感寒,邪气伏藏,至春复感外邪或逢正虚而发病。又如《素问·生气通天论》“夏伤于暑,秋为痎疟……冬伤于寒,春必温病”。除此之外,张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》“伏气之病,以意候之,今月之内,欲有伏气。假令旧有伏气,当须脉之”的论述中首次提出“伏气”之名。晋王叔和在《脉经》“热病……伏毒伤肺中脾者死,热病……伏毒伤肝中胆者死,热病……伏毒在肝腑足少阳者死”中首次提出了“伏毒”之名。吴又可在《温疫论》中首次将“伏”与“邪”联用,即首用“伏邪”这一概念。随着温病学的兴起,“伏寒化温”之说得到了广泛的传播。清代刘吉人在《伏邪新书》中对伏邪作了较为全面的概括论述:“感六淫而即发病者,轻者谓之伤,重者谓之中。感六淫而不即病过后发者,总谓之伏邪,已发者而治不得法,病情隐伏,亦谓之曰伏邪。有初感治不得法,正气内伤,邪气内陷,暂时假愈,后仍作者,亦谓之曰伏邪。有已治愈,而未能除尽病根,遗邪内伏,后又复发,亦谓之曰伏邪。”可见,在秦汉时期,已经出现了“伏邪”的类似概念,且是一种广义的理解。至明代则将伏邪内涵逐渐狭义化为“伏寒化温”之说。而后清代医家则又突破了伏邪只在伏气温病范围内讨论的樊笼。, 百拇医药(冉维正 岳喜峰 高芳)