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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月15日 《中国医药导报》 2020年第5期
     [摘要] 非输血依赖型地中海贫血是一种慢性溶血性疾病,急性发作期间需要控制溶血和输血,平时则要注意祛铁治疗。在总结历代医家中医辨证论治上,同时结合现代医学理论理清肾虚以及瘀血的关系后,现代中医学者对非输血依赖型地中海贫血患者进行中医辨证凝炼,并提出急则治其标、稳定期标本兼治的序贯治疗方法,进一步提高患者血色素,从而减少输血频率以及铁沉积,达到显著提高中医治疗效果、改善患者生存质量的目的。

    [关键词] 地中海贫血;标本兼治;铁过载;肝纤维化

    [中图分类号] R556 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)02(b)-0133-04

    Treatment based on manifestation and root cause of disease of patients with non-transfusion dependent thalassemia

    LEI Yu ZENG Qing CHENG Weimin

    Department of Hematology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530023, China

    [Abstract] Non-transfusion dependent thalassemia is a chronic hemolytic disease. During the acute attack, hemolysis and blood transfusion should be controlled, and iron removal should be paid attention to at ordinary times. After summing up the treatment based on syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine of doctors of all dynasties and combining the modern medical theory to clarify the relationship between kidney deficiency and blood stasis, modern Chinese medicine scholars take treatment based on syndrome differentiation and refining for the non-transfusion dependent thalassemia patients and put forward the sequential therapy of treating the tip at the acute condition, treating both manifestation and root cause of disease at stable period and further improve the patient′s hemoglobin to reduce the frequency of blood transfusion and iron deposition, so as to achieve the goal of improving the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine and the quality of life of patients.

    [Key words] Thalassemia; Treating both manifestation and root cause of disease; Iron overload; Liver fibrosis


    1 常见的地中海贫血类型与临床症状

    目前临床上常见的中间型地中海贫血有三大类:β-地中海贫血杂合子、HbE/β-双重杂合子地中海贫血和α-地中海贫血。中间型地中海贫血的贫血程度较重型轻,由于此类患者贫血,血红蛋白波动在60~100 g/L,机体携氧和抵抗力比正常人要偏差,同时机体反复慢性溶血,因此容易继发一系列急慢性病变。, 百拇医药(雷宇 曾清 程纬民)