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http://www.100md.com 2020年7月5日 《中国医药导报》 202019
     [摘要] 现代医院各项医疗工作的正常开展离不开一个高水平、高质量、有序的行政管理工作,探索和应用精细化管理的科学策略已经成为现代化医院管理的首要工作。本文通过对北京协和医院近年来在行政管理精细化方面的几点做法进行探讨和思考,以期对其他医院的行政管理工作起一定的帮助和借鉴作用。

    [关键词] 医院;行政管理;精细化管理;实践;思考

    [中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)07(a)-0163-04

    [Abstract] The normal development of various medical work in the hospital is inseparable from a high-level, high-quality, and orderly administrative management work. Exploring and applying the scientific strategy of delicacy management has become the primary work of hospital management. This article discusses and considers several methods of delicacy management in Peking Union Medical College Hospital in recent years ......
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