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http://www.100md.com 2020年7月15日 《中国医药导报》 202020
     [摘要] 中成药在我国中医药传承发展中占有重要地位,但目前其临床应用与发展面临巨大困境。本文针对中华中医药学会标准化办公室研制的中成药临床应用专家共识研制流程,并结合国内外现有经验以及实际操作步骤,对前期筹备与研制流程中的经验与注意事项进行回顾与总结,以期为进行研制工作的相关人员提供经验与参考,为研制流程不断优化提供启发,为未来科研工作开展提供方向。

    [关键词] 中成药;专家共识;德尔菲法;名义组法

    [中圖分类号] R286 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)07(b)-0184-06

    [Abstract] Chinese patent medicine plays an important role in the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine in China. However, its clinical application and development is facing a huge dilemma. This paper is aimed at the compiling process of expert consensus for clinical application of Chinese patent medicine developed by Standardization Department of China Association of Chinese Medicine ......
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