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http://www.100md.com 2020年8月25日 《中国医药导报》 202024
     例2:“在北京中医管理局和北京旅游委的组织下…”被译为“Under the organization of Beijing institute of TCM and the Beijing tourism commission...”,而“北京市中医管理局”和“北京市旅游发展委员会”官网的英文翻译分别为“Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine”和“Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development”,建议翻译时,采用官网的译法,方便外国游客查阅了解中医药旅游相关信息。

    例3:“白凌云告老还乡时乾隆皇帝御赐‘御生堂’匾额”被译为“Emperor Qianlong also personally wrote the tablet of “Yu Sheng Tang”to award the Court Physician Bai Lingyun” ......
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