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http://www.100md.com 2012年4月1日 国际口腔医学杂志 2012年第2期
     [摘要]口腔局部麻醉是口腔疾病诊治过程中经常应用的技术之一,其并发症及不良反应的发生率为4.5%~ 13%,其中大部分不良反应是可逆的、一过性的,但是不能排除威胁生命的可能。口腔局部麻醉的并发症分为局部并发症和全身并发症2大类,具体类型较多,在临床处理中需要注意的问题亦较多;因此,对于口腔医师来说,除了掌握口腔局部麻醉理论和技术之外,如何正确预防和处理口腔局部麻醉的并发症,也是一项必备的临床技能。本文着重于临床常见的局部麻醉并发症,对其防治原则进行了探讨和论述。


    [中图分类号]R 782.05+4[文献标志码]A[doi]10.3969/j.issn.1673-5749.2012.02.001

    Complications of oral local anesthesia and their preventive treatmentsPan Jian, Zhang Zhuang.(Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China)

    [Abstract]Local anesthetic administration is a common dental procedure in clinical practice. The incidence rate of complications and side effects is about 4.5% to 13%, and almost of them are usually of a reversible and tem-porary nature, though the potential for a more serious response does exist. The complications of local anesthesia include systemic and local adverse reaction, which is involved in much type of signs and symptoms. The preven-tion and treatment should be carefully considered when it occurs. Thus, dental doctors should not only master the theory and techniques of local anesthesia before anesthetic injection, but also are familiar with prevention and treatment of complications. This paper focus on the frequent complications in anesthesia practice, and the princi-ples related to prevention and cure of complications were discussed. ......

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