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[中图分类号]R 780.2[文献标志码]B[doi]10.3969/j.issn.1673-5749.2012.03.011
Ameloblastic carcinoma, primary type in mandible, with malignant submandibular lymph node metastasis Liu Meiyan1, Zhao Damin2, Geng Ning1, He Huawei3, Yan Cuihua4, He Zhixiu1.(1. Dept. of Pathology, West ChinaHospitalofStomatology,SichuanUniversity,Chengdu610041,China;2.Dept.ofProsthodontics, Shijiazhuang General Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050011, China; 3. Dept. of Prosthodontics, Beijing Stomatological Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China; 4. Dept. of Out-patient, Tangshan Second Hospital, Tangshan 063000, China)
[Abstract]Ameloblastic carcinoma-primary type is a rare odontogenic epithelial malignant tumor, with few clinical reports. We reported a case of ameloblastic carcinoma-primary type with malignant submandibular lymph nodes. Combined with the literature, we discussed its clinical pathological features, diagnosis, and treatment.
[Key words]ameloblastic carcinoma;lymph node;metastasis
成釉细胞癌是一种少见的牙源性上皮性恶性肿瘤 ......