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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月15日 《世界中医药》 201710
     摘要 本人临床师从全国名老中医肛肠专家王嘉麟,耳濡目染,王老临床应用经方出神入化,屡获佳效,深感读经典对于指导临床实践的重要性,故结合临床应用,对《伤寒论》《金匮要略》治疗腹泻的常用方剂,进行全面梳理,与同道共享。以期更好地继承和发扬仲景学术,指导临床实践。

    关键词 经方;伤寒论;金匮要略;腹泻;慢性肠炎

    Abstract Followed and unconsciously influenced by the expert Wang Jialin,who is an experienced and famous clinical practitioner in the field of Traditional Chinese Anorectal Medicine. Doctor Wang applies classical prescriptions in clinical in a superb and highly effective manner, which makes him deeply sense that the scripture plays an important role in clinical practice.He combines those effective prescriptions with clinical application and classifies the most commonly used prescriptions in treating diarrhea from Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of the Golden Chamber. He shares his experience with his fellows in order to inherit and develope Zhongjing academic theory and guide clinical treatments in a better way. ......
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