摘要 玉屏风散组方为黄芪、白术和防风,具有扶正固表的作用,临床应用广泛,极具开发应用价值。通过查阅近年来有关玉屏风散防治肝病的相关文献,对玉屏风散各组分的肝病防治相关机制、全方防治肝病的临床应用与药理研究进行概括与总结,证实其在肝病的防治中具有调节免疫、抗氧化、抗纤维化;抗肿瘤的作用。关键词 玉屏风散;肝病;临床应用;药理研究;调节免疫;抗氧化;抗纤维化;抗肿瘤
Abstract Yupingfeng powder is composed of Radix Astragali seu Hedysari, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Radix Saposhnikoviae, and has the effects of strengthening vital qi and consolidation of exterior.It has been widely used in the clinical practice, and has great development and application value.Consulting relevant literatures on Yupingfeng powder as prevention and treatment of liver disease in recent years ......
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