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【摘要】 目的探讨南方食管癌高、低发区饮用水污染在食管癌发病过程中的作用。方法 采用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术分别检测南澳县各镇与佛山各区饮用水的微核千分率(MCN‰)及污染指数(PI),同时用蒸馏水设立阴性对照, 用重铬酸钾设立阳性对照。结果 ①南澳县各镇饮用水的微核千分率与蒸馏水比较,均显著升高(P<0.05),且饮用水污染的程度与食管癌的病死率有关。②佛山市各区饮用水的微核千分率与蒸馏水比较,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 提示饮用水污染可能是食管癌的危险因素。
【关键词】 食管癌;水污染;蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术
Comparative Study on The Mutagenicity of Drinking Water in High and Low Risk Areas for Esophageal Cancer in Southern China
ZHU Le-wei ,HE Jian-xing,TAN Jia-ju,et at. Department of Thoracic Surgery, The First People’s Hospital of Foshan, Foshan 528000,China
【Abstract】 ObjectiveTo esplore the role of the drinking water pollution in the progression of esophageal cancer(EC) in the high and low risk areas for EC in southern China. MethodsThe drinking water from Nanao county and Foshan city was collected and detected the micronucleus frequences of vicia faba root tip cells (MCN‰) and pollutant indexes (PI) by Vicia-micronucleus test (VAMCN),regarding distilled water as a negative control and potassium dichromate solution as a positive control. Results①The drinking water from Nanao county resulted in higher micronucleus rates,and there was remarkably different compared with distilled water,and the degree of the drinking water pollution was correlated to the mortality of EC②The drinking water from Foshan city resulted in higher micronucleus rates,but there was no different compared with distilled water. ConclusionThe drinking water pollution could be the causative factor of the esophageal carcinogenesis.
【Key words】Esophageal cancer; Water pollution; Vicia-micronucleus test
1 资料与方法
1.1 水样采集 南澳县辖3个镇,分别是后宅镇(县城)、深澳镇、云澳镇。佛山市辖5个区,分别是禅城区、南海区、顺德区、三水区、高明区,按两地居民食管癌死亡率不同地区共设46个采样点, 按监测规范要求分别采集每个点水样于洁净塑料桶内,双盲编号后,置10℃供实验用。
1.2 材料 实验所用豆种由华中师范大学生物系筛选和提供的对环境污染物比较敏感的松滋青皮豆。
1.3 方法
1.3.1 蚕豆浸种催芽 蚕豆种子洗净后,置25℃的温箱内用蒸馏水常规浸种催芽24小时,期间至少换水2次,换用的水最好事先置于25℃的温箱中预温。待种子吸胀后,用纱布松松包裹置于解剖盘内,盘内盛满待测水样,保持湿度,在25℃的温箱中催芽48 h。当初生根长到2 cm时,用蒸馏水清洗根尖2次,每次2至3 min,换入新鲜蒸馏水恢复培养24 h。每次实验均以蒸馏水作阴性对照,以重铬酸钾(K2Gr2O7)做阳性对照(实验时为3 ......