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【摘要】 目的 观察普米克令舒,沐舒坦,庆大霉素联合氧气驱动雾化吸入防治早产儿肺透明膜病的疗效。方法 分治疗组与对照组,治疗组为我院2005年6月至2009年6月收治的胎龄29~35周的早产儿46例在生后4 h内使用普米克令舒,沐舒坦,庆大霉素联合氧气驱动雾化吸入,对照组为2003年1月至2005年6月我院收治的未使用雾化吸入的条件相同的早产儿45例。结果 治疗组46例出现肺透明膜病2例,对照组45例出现肺透明膜病8例。结论 普米克,沐舒坦,庆大霉素联合防治早产儿肺透明膜病疗效满意,方法简便,值得在基层医院推广。
Clinical analysis of 46 case of treating premature infants with hyaline membrane lung disease by using pulmicort, ambroxol and gentamycin associated with aerosol inhalation driven by oxygen
WANG XIAOiaoLan,JIANG JiangLian.Leliu Hospital of Shunde district,Foshan City, Guangdong,528322,China
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the effect of treating premature infants with hyaline membrane lung disease by using Pulmicort,Ambroxol and gentamycin associated with aerosol inhalation driven by oxygen.Methods Premature infants ranging from 29 to 35 weeks were divided into two groups.46infants of the treatment group,who were in hospital from June 2005 to June 2009,were given pulmicort,ambroxol and gentamycin associated with aerosol inhalation driven by oxygen in four hours after they were born.45 infants of the control group,who were in hospital from January 2003 to June 2005,had the same condition comparing with the treatment group except pulmicort,ambroxol and gentamycin associated with aerosol inhalation driven by oxygen.Results There were two children having the hyaline membrane lung disease in treatment group,on the other hand,there were eight children having the same disease in the control group.Conclusion Treating premature infants with hyaline membrane lung disease by using pulmicort,ambroxol and gentamycin associated with aerosol inhalation driven by oxygen.received satisfactory therapeutic effects and its convenient and worth promoting it in the primary hospital
【Key words】
Pulmicort;Ambroxol;Atomization inhalation;Hyaline membrane lung disease of newborn
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 治疗组选择2005年6月至2009年6月在我院产科分娩的早产儿46例,胎龄29~35周产前母亲未来得及使用糖皮质激素,生后2 h入住我科,母亲孕期身体健康,产时无窒息无宫内感染现象,生后胃泡沫试验阴性或弱阳性,对照组为2003年1月至2005年6月在我院产科分娩,我科收治的与治疗组条件相等的早产儿45例,他们在胎龄,体重方面差异无统计学意义。
1.2 早产儿肺透明膜病的诊断标准 生后24 h内出现进行性呼吸困难,包括气急,呻吟,口吐白沫,三凹症,紫绀,PAO2下降,胸部X线显示有分布均匀的细小颗粒和网状阴影。和或支气管充气症。
1.3 用药方法 2组早产儿常规给予综合治疗,包括吸氧、保温、监护、加强呼吸道管理,维持血糖、血气稳定。预防出血及感染,积极维护内环境稳定,能量支持治疗。治疗组使用普米克令舒0.25 mg,沐舒坦7.5 mg/kg,庆大霉素4000 U/kg联合雾化吸入,1次/6 h,观察呼吸情况,每天监测血气,如3 d内未出现呼吸系统的异常表现,血气在正常范围,则用3 d停止雾化吸入,不再继续使用,如无效则改用其他治疗方法。
1.4 统计学方法 以百分率表示,计数资料采用χ2检验P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 二组早产儿肺透明膜病发生率的比较见表2。
2.2 治疗组满月后听力筛查无异常。
3 讨论
早产儿肺透明膜病是由于早产儿Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞合成并分泌的肺表面活性物质不足,导致生后肺泡弥漫性不张,表面张力增大,形成肺透明膜,使肺顺应性下降,功能残气量增加,以呼吸障碍为主要表现的一组临床综合征 ......