【摘要】 尿液常规分析是临床工作中最常用的检测项目之一, 但在分析过程中容易受到多种因素的干扰而影响其分析的准确性。由于这些影响因素不仅存在于实验前、实验中, 还可出现于实验后, 因此, 做好尿液分析的全程质量控制是十分重要的。【关键词】尿液分析;全面质量控制;影响因素
Urine regular analysis overall quality control analysed
XIAO Xiang-Dong. Zhangdian Health Centre for Women and Children, Zibo 255000,China
【Abstract】 analysis is the clinical work routine test items in one of the most commonly used, but in the analytical process vulnerable to a variety of factors affecting its interference and the accuracy of analysis. Because these influence factors of experiments not only potential before and experiments, also can appear in experiments, therefore, completes the quality control of urine analysis is very important.
【Key words】Urine analysis; Overall quality control;Influencing fautor
尿液分析的准确程度直接关系到临床诊断,因此尿液检查质量控制是关系到临床检查的重要工作 ......
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