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【摘要】 目的 探讨我院心胸外科患者术后呼吸道感染的因素及其临床治疗疗效。方法 对我院心胸外科进行手术治疗后并发呼吸道感染的60例患者,根据手术种类、麻醉方式、原并发疾病及呼吸道感染部位进行分析,并对其临床疗效进行总结。结果 我院心胸外科术后并发呼吸道感染的60例患者,并发肺炎31例占51.7%、支气管炎14例占23.3%、肺不张3例占5.0 %、肺水肿1例占1.7%、其他11例占18.3%。根据药敏结果使用抗生素治疗后:治愈35例占58.3%、好转19例占31.7%、无效6例占10.0%。结论 我们应在心胸外科在术前、术中及术后应用各种有效的方法以减少手术应激及并发症发生。
【关键词】 心胸外科术后;呼吸道感染;临床疗效
Respiratory tract infection after cardiothoracic surgery in patients with clinical factors and analysis QI Hui.Department of Thoraoil Surgery,The First Peoples Hospital of Shangqiu City,Shangqiu 476 100,China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the cardiothoracic surgery hospital patients after respiratory infection factors and clinical efficacy.Methods The surgical treatment of hospital after heart surgery complicated by respiratory tract infection 60 patients, according to the type of surgery, anesthesia, respiratory diseases and the original site of infection complicated to analyze, and summarize their clinical efficacy.Results The postoperative hospital cardiothoracic surgery, 60 patients were respiratory infection, pneumonia 31 cases accounted for 51.7%, 23.3% bronchitis, 14 cases, three cases of atelectasis accounted for 5.0%, pulmonary edema, one case of 1.7%, other 11 cases accounted for 18.3%.Our use of antibiotics based on susceptibility results after treatment: cure 35 cases accounted for 58.3%, 31.7% improved in 19 cases, 6 cases accounted for 10.0%.Conclusion We should be in cardiothoracic surgery in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative application of effective methods to reduce surgical stress and complications.
【Key words】 Postoperative cardiothoracic surgery; Respiratory tract infections; Clinical
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 我院就诊的心胸外科进行手术治疗后并发呼吸道感染的患者60例,其中男47例,女13例,年龄16~74岁,平均51.9岁。术前所并发疾病有:高血压病9例,肺气肿者4倒,糖尿病2例,其他3例。所有患者在进行开胸手术前均进行肺功能评估,有助于了解肺部疾病的性质、严重程度以及病变是否可逆、可预测手术的疗效和术后肺部并发症。
1.2 手术种类及麻醉方式 原发疾病:食道癌术后24例、肺癌术后11例,心脏手术后7例,其他心胸疾病术后18例。麻醉方式:全麻气管插管麻醉29例、神经阻滞椎管内麻醉17例、其他麻醉14例。
1.3 诊断标准 参照卫生部《医院感染诊断暂行规定标准》[2]。患者有以下特点:①术后发热、寒战,体温最高可达41℃,咳嗽咳痰,喘憋胸闷,肺部听诊湿啰音,呼吸快,或有胸痛,咯吐黄色浊痰,量多而粘,叩诊浊音等症状、体征。②X线片可见肺部有浸润型病变。③血常规检查示白细胞计数、嗜中性粒细胞计数均增高。④给予痰液培养后均培养出致病菌 ......