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http://www.100md.com 2013年1月1日 医食参考
     【关键词】男性不孕症;中医治疗;补肾滋生汤Kidney Decoction in the treatment of male sterility breeding special effects

    He Junling

    (Baofeng County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Henan, Baofeng, 467400)

    【Abstract】The use of self-made Bushen Decoction ( ginseng, astragalus, breeding, medlar, Radix Morinda officinalis, Cistanche, cinnamon ) treatment of male infertility with obvious effect

    【Keywords】Male infertility treated with traditional Chinese medicine of tonifying kidney soup; breeding【中图分类号】R271.14【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1005-0515(2013)1-0031-02

    笔者从2008年5月—2011年5月 ......

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