[2] Anita ES,Peter JK.Treating achalasia:From whalebone to laparscope.JAMA,1998,280:638 642.
[3] Eherer AJ,Schwetz I,Hammer HF,et al.Effect of sildenafil on oesophageal motor function in healthy subjects and patients with oesophageal motor disorders.Gut,2002,50:758 764.
[4] Pasrica PT,Rai R,Ravich WT,et al.Botulinum toxin for achalasia:long term outcome and predictions of response.Gastroenterology,1996,110:1410 1415.
, 百拇医药
[5] Vaezi MF,Richter JE,Wilcox CM,et al.Botulinum toxin versus pneumatic dilatation in the treatment of achalasia:a randomised trial.Gut,1999,44:231 239.
[6] Allescher HD,Storr M,Seige M,et al.Treatment of achalasia:botulinum toxin injection vs pneumatic balloon dilation,A prospective study with long term follow up.Endoscopy,2001,33:1007 1017.
[7] Bittinger M,Wienbeck M.Pneumatic dilation in achalasia.Can J Gastroenterol,2001,15:195 199.
, 百拇医药
[8] 陈维雄,程英升,杨仁杰,等.暂时性金属内支架扩张术介入治疗贲门失弛缓及其中远期疗效分析.世界华人消化杂志,2000,8:896 899.
[9] 程英升,杨仁杰,李明华,等.贲门失弛缓三种介入治疗方法选择和中远期疗效分析.介入放射学杂志,2000,9:220 224.
[10] Paul H,Jordan Jr MD.Longterm results of esophageal myotomy for achalasia.J Am Coll Surg,2001,193:137 145.
[11] Katilius M,Velanovich V.Heller myotomy for achalasia:quality of life comparison of laparoscopic and open approaches.JSLS,2001,5:227 237.
, http://www.100md.com
[12] Sharp KW,Khaitan L,Schlz S,et al.100 consecutive minimally invasive heller myotomies:lessons learnes.Ann Surg,2002,235:631 639.
[13] Frimberger E.Expanding spiral A new type of prosthesis for the palliative treatment of m alignant esophageal stenoses.Endoscopy,1983,15(suppl 1):213 214.
[14] 姚礼庆,徐美东.消化道支架的临床应用与前景.中国实用外科杂志,2002,22:583 585.
[15] Cheng YS,Li MH,Chen WX,et al.Selection and evaluation of three interventional procedures for achalasia based on long term follow up.Word J Gastroenterol,2003,9:2370 2373.
, http://www.100md.com
[16] 陈尼维,程英升,陈维雄,等.暂时性金属内支架治疗贲门失弛缓症对食管动力的影响.介入放射学,2003,12:124 125.
[17] De Palma GD,Catanzano C.Removable self expanding metal stents:a pilot study for treatment of achalasia of the esophageal.Endoscopy,1998,30:95 96.
[18] Song HY,Par SI,Do YS,et al.Expandable metallic stent placement in patients with benign esophageal strictures:results of long term follow up.Radiology,1997,203:131 136.
[19] 程英升,杨仁杰.胃肠道狭窄或梗阻介入治疗规范化探讨.介入放射学杂志,2003,12:313 316.
, http://www.100md.com
[20] 胡勇,龙方燕.国产食道支撑器临床应用观察.重庆医学,2001,30:90.
[21] 程英升,杨仁杰,尚克中,等.暂时性内支架治疗食管良性狭窄疗效分析.介入放射学杂志,1999,8:31 33.
[22] Cheng YS,Li MH,Chen WX,et al.Complications of stent placement of benign stricture of gastrointestinal tract.World J Gastroenterol,2004,10:284 286.
[23] 王志纯,张得昌,马贵,等.贲门失弛缓症腔内支架术的应用价值.临床军医杂志,2004,32:50 52.
[24] Adler DG,Baron TH,Geels W,et al.Placement of PEG tubes through previously placed self expanding esophagea; metal stents.Gastrointest Endosc,2001,54:237 241.
, 百拇医药
[25] De Palma GD,Lovino P,Masone S,et al.Self expanding metal stents for endoscopic treatment of esophageal achalasia unresponsive to conventional treatment.long term results in eight patients.Endoscopy,2001,33:1027 1030.
[26] 沙正布,张世伟,董吉祥,等.防反流自膨式带膜内支架治疗贲门失弛缓症.江苏医药杂志,2001,27:220 221.
[27] 张超南,徐兆山,荣乃林,等.暂时性食管内支架扩张术治疗贲门失弛缓症.现代医药卫生,2001,17:348 349.
[28] 丁永年,杨仁杰,张宏志,等.自胀式全覆膜可回收金属内支架在良性食道狭窄中的应用.新疆医科大学学报,2004,27:458 461., 百拇医药(向述天 余永忠)
[3] Eherer AJ,Schwetz I,Hammer HF,et al.Effect of sildenafil on oesophageal motor function in healthy subjects and patients with oesophageal motor disorders.Gut,2002,50:758 764.
[4] Pasrica PT,Rai R,Ravich WT,et al.Botulinum toxin for achalasia:long term outcome and predictions of response.Gastroenterology,1996,110:1410 1415.
, 百拇医药
[5] Vaezi MF,Richter JE,Wilcox CM,et al.Botulinum toxin versus pneumatic dilatation in the treatment of achalasia:a randomised trial.Gut,1999,44:231 239.
[6] Allescher HD,Storr M,Seige M,et al.Treatment of achalasia:botulinum toxin injection vs pneumatic balloon dilation,A prospective study with long term follow up.Endoscopy,2001,33:1007 1017.
[7] Bittinger M,Wienbeck M.Pneumatic dilation in achalasia.Can J Gastroenterol,2001,15:195 199.
, 百拇医药
[8] 陈维雄,程英升,杨仁杰,等.暂时性金属内支架扩张术介入治疗贲门失弛缓及其中远期疗效分析.世界华人消化杂志,2000,8:896 899.
[9] 程英升,杨仁杰,李明华,等.贲门失弛缓三种介入治疗方法选择和中远期疗效分析.介入放射学杂志,2000,9:220 224.
[10] Paul H,Jordan Jr MD.Longterm results of esophageal myotomy for achalasia.J Am Coll Surg,2001,193:137 145.
[11] Katilius M,Velanovich V.Heller myotomy for achalasia:quality of life comparison of laparoscopic and open approaches.JSLS,2001,5:227 237.
, http://www.100md.com
[12] Sharp KW,Khaitan L,Schlz S,et al.100 consecutive minimally invasive heller myotomies:lessons learnes.Ann Surg,2002,235:631 639.
[13] Frimberger E.Expanding spiral A new type of prosthesis for the palliative treatment of m alignant esophageal stenoses.Endoscopy,1983,15(suppl 1):213 214.
[14] 姚礼庆,徐美东.消化道支架的临床应用与前景.中国实用外科杂志,2002,22:583 585.
[15] Cheng YS,Li MH,Chen WX,et al.Selection and evaluation of three interventional procedures for achalasia based on long term follow up.Word J Gastroenterol,2003,9:2370 2373.
, http://www.100md.com
[16] 陈尼维,程英升,陈维雄,等.暂时性金属内支架治疗贲门失弛缓症对食管动力的影响.介入放射学,2003,12:124 125.
[17] De Palma GD,Catanzano C.Removable self expanding metal stents:a pilot study for treatment of achalasia of the esophageal.Endoscopy,1998,30:95 96.
[18] Song HY,Par SI,Do YS,et al.Expandable metallic stent placement in patients with benign esophageal strictures:results of long term follow up.Radiology,1997,203:131 136.
[19] 程英升,杨仁杰.胃肠道狭窄或梗阻介入治疗规范化探讨.介入放射学杂志,2003,12:313 316.
, http://www.100md.com
[20] 胡勇,龙方燕.国产食道支撑器临床应用观察.重庆医学,2001,30:90.
[21] 程英升,杨仁杰,尚克中,等.暂时性内支架治疗食管良性狭窄疗效分析.介入放射学杂志,1999,8:31 33.
[22] Cheng YS,Li MH,Chen WX,et al.Complications of stent placement of benign stricture of gastrointestinal tract.World J Gastroenterol,2004,10:284 286.
[23] 王志纯,张得昌,马贵,等.贲门失弛缓症腔内支架术的应用价值.临床军医杂志,2004,32:50 52.
[24] Adler DG,Baron TH,Geels W,et al.Placement of PEG tubes through previously placed self expanding esophagea; metal stents.Gastrointest Endosc,2001,54:237 241.
, 百拇医药
[25] De Palma GD,Lovino P,Masone S,et al.Self expanding metal stents for endoscopic treatment of esophageal achalasia unresponsive to conventional treatment.long term results in eight patients.Endoscopy,2001,33:1027 1030.
[26] 沙正布,张世伟,董吉祥,等.防反流自膨式带膜内支架治疗贲门失弛缓症.江苏医药杂志,2001,27:220 221.
[27] 张超南,徐兆山,荣乃林,等.暂时性食管内支架扩张术治疗贲门失弛缓症.现代医药卫生,2001,17:348 349.
[28] 丁永年,杨仁杰,张宏志,等.自胀式全覆膜可回收金属内支架在良性食道狭窄中的应用.新疆医科大学学报,2004,27:458 461., 百拇医药(向述天 余永忠)
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